
Práctica 10 # Inmersión



We are going to review formulas that be able us to explain our own opinions in a discussion or on the dialogue. These expressions allow to take part in few situations explaining the own point of view but without disqualify other people. Expressions that make you easier your dialogue fluency and it make you easier interchanging opinions in a kind and polite way. In this Listening Practice 10th we´re going to give you more exemples about that we worked in 25th and 26th episodes, examples arranged in diary situations where you are going to practice all these formulas in order to better express your personal opinion. In our collection of Barcelona we put an album of Photographs with comments about Las Ramblas of Our city, Barcelona. We toke photographs of the first and second part of the Ramblas: la Rambla de Canaletas and la Rambla de los Estudios, named to as a Rambla de los Pájaros.Don´t lose that because they are beautiful photographs with unmistakable scenes of La Rambla and with spanish reading to introdu