Yogaland Podcast

Change Your Day With a Lovingkindness Meditation



Last week, I talked about the science of self-compassion and how self-compassion practice has more favorable outcomes than boosting self-esteem. On this episode, I offer a way to put self-compassion into practice by sharing a 10-minute guided Lovingkindness meditation. This type of meditation involves silently repeating a mantra and extending love and compassion toward yourself, then toward someone you love, then toward all beings. The full meditation is written out on the shownotes page: Shoutout to our sponsors: 1. To my women listeners out there – have you tried Lola yet? LOLA is a female-founded company offering organic cotton tampons, pads, and liners. For 60% off your first order, visit and enter the code YOGALAND when you subscribe. 2. Burrow is a new online company that creates modern, CHEMICAL-FREE sofas that ship to you within a week! For $50 off your purchase, go to and use the promo code YOGALAND. 3. We all go through busy times where it