Talkin Bout W/ A.t.

#66 - Questions for You & Me : Vol. 1



"What do you do with your spare time?" This is the question that starts off this brand new segment and then a series of questions follow. The idea is to get you thinking! To get you asking yourself questions that you may not ask yourself often. It is very important for us to take some self-care and know more about ourselves. The more we can find out about ourselves, the better we can share that w/ others.  There will be a little bit of "dead air" or silent audio after each question. This is your time to answer. Answer aloud or to yourself.  Two ways to answer questions: First, you can be impulsive. Let the audio continually play and whatever immediately comes to mind is your answer. Letting your impulse guide you.  Second, you can pause the audio after each question. This way allows you to go more inward and really digest each question. To think deeper.  Be sure to subscribe on iTunes and Spotify and share with your homies! We're on Facebook too.  This podcast is sponsored by Ta