Work And Life With Stew Friedman

Ep 96. Shaun Francis: Eat, Move, Think



Shaun Francis is Chair and CEO of Medcan and he’s author of a recently released book entitled Eat, Move, Think: The Path to a Healthier, Stronger, Happier You. He was a student in Stew’s very first Total Leadership class for Executive MBAs at Wharton. Medcan is a global leader in assessing their clients’ overall well-being and inspiring them to live well for life. It’s routinely recognized for as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies. Shaun graduated from the United States Naval Academy after he was nominated by President Reagan to attend as a Canadian. He received the military’s highest recognition for a civilian, The Canadian Forces medallion for Distinguished Service, for his work on behalf of veterans. He’s received an honorary doctorate and countless other awards. Shaun co-led an expedition to the summit of Island Peak, adjacent to Mount Everest, with 12 injured Canadian, soldiers raising funds the True Patriot Love Foundation, which Shaun chairs. Stew and Shaun talk about the importance of our physical