Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Aligning with the New Evolutionary Frequencies



This show is a shamanic session to support you in assimilating the new awakening energies coming to our planet at this time. In this session, you will receive support for the upward progression of consciousness along with a strengthening of your capacity and willingness to receive these new high frequency energies.   Before listening to this session, in your mind's eye, connect with where you feel blocked or resistant to fully receiving the high frequencies coming to us at this time. Visualize giving your full consent from the deepest parts of your being for advancing your awakening. Bring this to the forefront of your attention as you receive these Alchemy applications.     Join in for this 30 minute soul re-alignment process! A transmission of channeled healing technologies which restructure your creative source grid.     Pure Soul Alchemy is a channeled energetic field where transformative operations and procedures are enacted for you while you comfortably relax. Through Gabriella's perception and v