Coach Sze Wing Podcast

73. Athena Archetype: How to Stop Being Over Controlling



If you have Athena as your most active goddess archetype, you are likely to be someone who is highly productive, organized and strategic. Women who have this archetype tend to value highly on their intellect, strong mind and rationality. They see the bigger picture and hence they have the patience for goals or projects to come into fruition. You can see why Athena women often achieve a great deal of success, both in career and their personal life.  However, all these advantages also bring in certain aspects or tendencies that may be challenging for Athena women. One of which is about letting go of control and allow things to happen on its own or take its course. If you don’t know me, let me be very honest here, Athena is one of the most active archetypes in me since I was a little girl. My parents were happy for me to have an independent mind. I had my nose in my books most of the time and I caused no trouble growing up. But I can be a bit of a control freak when it comes to "How to Do Things My Way". W