Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast

RQG 122 - Gatekeeping



Join Alex, Bryn, Helen, Lydia and Ben as the split party continue to continue their separate investigations.This week, Grizzop goes on a scavenger hunt whilst Team "Rome-is-awful" is having trouble with a gate. Sasha goes snooping, Hamid does some research and Azu falls over...Thanks to this week's Patrons: Sierra Tyrrel, Maltriestrei , Erin Kanani, Jonas Hallstrom, Holly neongrey, Tessa Leake, Joey, Daniel Masterson and Kathryn SimsIf you'd like to join them be sure to visit this week by Lowri Ann Davies & Alexander J NewallSFX this week by kev_durr, Kinoton, duckduckpony, Tritus, AaronGNP, qubodup, HunteR4708, gabisaraceni & previously credited artists.As always, today’s game system is available for free at www.d20pfsrd.comJoin our community:WEBSITE: www.rustyquill.comFACEBOOK: @therustyquillREDDIT: mail@rustyquill.comRusty Quill Gaming is a podcast distribu