Leading In Color With Sarah Morgan

Preparing for the Aftermath of COVID-19 (Leading In Color - S2, Ep 27)



The episode guest is Lisa Dinhofer    In this episode, we discuss the following:  Why COVID-19 is just as traumatic if not more than a workplace shooting or terrorist attack Why the murder of George Floyd has triggered such a visceral response for white people that we haven’t seen before surrounding #BlackLivesMatter What organizations can do to support the emotional & mental wellness and the psychological safety of employees beyond referring them to the EAP  Lisa Dinhofer, MA, CT, known as “The Crisis Tamer’, works with subject matter and circumstances most people turn away from. She mentors companies past traumatic and destabilizing events, workplace abuse and crisis communications to regain stability, establish a new normal and build resilience. Lisa was an employee at the World Trade Center during the 1993 bombing and was still working in NYC during 9/11. She draws from those first hand experiences of workplace trauma and lessons learned from other workplace tragedies.   Lisa is a certified Thanat