Headfirst Radio

Back To The Basics!



The "Keys, Wallet, Phone" of Living Headfirst is finally here! These are the three things we never leave home without, right? Or, if we do, it makes it a whole lot more difficult for us to get where we want to go, be successful in what we want to do, and feel connected while we're at it! These three things are none other than: Intentionality, Fun/Play/Curiosity, and Authenticity.  They are indeed in a particular order, with intentionality ruling the day - even though you know I LOVE to have some fun :) Tune in to find out why it's absolutely vital that we make a conscious decision to pay attention & be mindful, approach opportunities with a lighthearted open mind, and allow ourselves to grow into who we truly are - not who anyone else is telling us we should be.  Stay tuned for some exciting announcements and more info about where Headfirst Radio is headed in the near future on Thursday morning's episode!