Petra Kolber Happy Hour Call

Episode 4. Tamilee on the Past, the Present and the Future of Fitness



  "If I Can't Bet On Myself, Who Can I Bet On?" Tamilee Webb Tamilee Webb is perhaps best known as the Buns, in the Buns of Steel Video series. To date, she has sold over 14 million workout videos and DVD's, and is recognized as one of the pioneers in the world of health and fitness. In this episode, we talk about how she got started, her role models during her early days and how she stayed grounded as her fame grew. We also chat about how Tamilee she has made peace with getting older, while always being known for her body as well as her body of work.     Pre-Instagram and pre-social media there was a brand new world of fitness that was moving into the mainstream and Tamilee Webb was at the forefront. This conversation takes us down the path of fitness history and many of the fitness legends are mentioned in this show. In this show, you will learn how Tamilee became her own agent, negotiated on her own behalf, and spread her message of wellness throughout the world. From Mambos to Menopause we discuss it all