
Rand(Nerds); Episode 65



Welcome to episode 65 After a slightly wobbly start we start again more organised and back with using paper show notes. We kick off with TheSuffolkRam have been trying to prove he not a machine in The Turing Test by being lead through a series of test chambers with an AI talking to him. Middlemeister has been catching up with some older game with The Witcher 3 and Metal Gear 5, Playing card games and sneaking around bases. We talk about our preferred Metal Gear Games and the relevant pros and cons of Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 including game play and some crazy boss battles. We also talk about stealth games, including one of Ram most liked game with Thief. Ram’s been watching a bizarre Urban Fantasy with the 1990s TV series Neverwhere. A Neil Gaiman series made originally for Comic Relief, and featuring people who can open doors and eating rats, it is also incredibly hard to find. We briefly mention the death of Peter Sallis and the passing of Roger Moore We find out what Skazz does to homeless people and