
Rand(Nerds); Episode 57



Welcome to the Rand(Nerds); Podcast episode 57 TheSuffolkRam has been maiming and blowing up clones in Happy Room. He talks about how the game reminds him of an early DOS game called The Incredible Machine and how it only becomes fun when you hack it using cheat engine. Skazz has fully entered the world of Linux gaming, and we are able to discuss a game that set you in the world of GCHQ like operative with Orwell. With Ram trying to be sensible and careful with people lives, and Skazz doing his best to troll them. We look forward to the new Mechwarrior 5 coming out, we discuss the previous games in the series including being compared to dogs, the size of the mech in the trailer and dialog bring back memory and also the difference between Japanese and Western mech’s. We discuss how valve is dropping green light and replacing it with a new system where developers pay to release their games. And what this means for developers. We also briefly discuss the shitty Deus Ex: Mankind Divided DLC, how lady bird books h