Unleashed With Jess Ratcliffe

72. How To Go From Rough to Refined Idea In A Week



Imagine starting the week with a rough idea and finishing it with a refined idea that you feel confident in. That’s what I did last week and I’m excited to share the exact steps I took so you can to the same. Last week, I set myself the mission to define, test and iterate on the idea for Stuck to Started, the step-by-step course to help you bring your idea to life in 4 weeks that I’m running in September. I started the week with the rough intentions for the course – what I want it to help you do – but I didn't know the specifics and I hadn't yet tested it to make sure it would land. In this episode, I’m guiding you through the 3 steps I took to define, test and iterate on the idea and how you can do exactly the same for your idea. The 3 steps you’ll learn how to put into action in this episode are: Start with the dream destination Reverse engineer the steps Gather feedback from 5 people Will you be giving these 3 steps a go in your coming week? I’d love to hear how you get on. You can reach me in a DM a