More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Nicole Osbourne



‘It’s so important if you have your own business to develop your personal branding, it’s how people know what they are getting when they buy from you’ Personal branding is very topical and Desmond is discussing how you can develop a powerful personal brand and its importance for your business with Nicole Osborne, Chartered Marketer and Personal Branding Coach. Your message is important, so listen in now to find out how you can be heard.    KEY TAKEAWAYS When you take the time to define your personal brand it becomes about what makes you What is personal branding? It’s the things you tell people so they know what they are getting from you. The clues you give can be in the way you look, the way you communicate, it's your personality on paper. You need to know who your audience is, what they are interested in, the value you can bring to them and where they hang out and then you deliver that to them nicely packaged. Personal branding is about your tone of voice, the imagery you use,  your brand values an