More With Moreira: The Business Podcast

Brand YOU!



‘It’s powerful being you and will make the world a better place’ Have you mirrored  behaviours, or do you spend your time at work trying to please others? We all have a brand but many of us are not aware of its importance in being authentic and liberating the real you. Desmond explains how powerful it can be when you let others see the real you, listen in and find out how to be powerful and effective as you.   KEY TAKEAWAYS Personal branding is important for you as an individual in your career,  where ever you might go and whatever you might do. What is your brand? What do you stand for? What values do you have? Brand You is about understanding who you are. We all have a brand but are we aware of how we come across and how we different from those around us. How do you want people to see you? If someone said 3 nice things about you what would you want them to be? The stronger and more powerful your brand is the better it is for your career and the life you may lead. If we could all just be ourselves we wo