Westminster Calvary Chapel

“Moving Forward” Pt. 2 – Joshua 3



Today we want to continue in faith on the course God has set before us! In part one of this study I made some bold statement about how the Church has become spiritually weakened by being online only. Here's a real statement from a 4-yr old little boy in this church. “Daddy we don’t go to church anymore!” Barna Group research (https://www.barna.com/research/new-sunday-morning-part-2/) posted an article this week showing a survey (response) among practicing Christians which revealed 1/3rd had not attended any kind of service during the past month! (No online / No in-person) Capture what this reflects: During a time when crisis is high & uncertainty looms followers of Jesus have chosen to do it their way by relying on self & not staying close to the savior!