Soul Sayers

The Perfection Track Pt. 5 - Spiritual Perfection



Spiritual Perfectionism - the over-reliance on actions to feel spiritually justified and ok. Often combined with a hyper-focus on thoughts and feelings. Identifying them as bad thoughts, or "I shouldn't feel this way." Believing that negative thoughts and feelings make you a bad person.    Strong feelings that God won't love you or loves you but will punish you. Or feelings that the Universe or Source won't provide for you if you're out of alignment.   Many people spend a lifetime striving for spiritual perfection by doing all the right things, saying all the right words, and thinking all the right thoughts. Always denying themselves and restricting everything as if this is the way to connect with the Creator.   Your spiritual life, this journey you are on while not without challenges, should not be denial and suffering. If we are to have life and have it more abundantly, then God wants you to have experiences. You should have relationships, people in your life. There should be joy and discovery, learning, an