Mike Connell Ministries

个人见证:收养女儿的婚礼 Personal Testimony - Adopted Daughters Wedding



这是一个曲折的爱情故事,有欢笑也有悲伤。就像罗密欧与朱丽叶一样,他们这一对年轻的情侣因各自的家庭背景被迫分开。更糟糕的是,他们将一个婴儿带到了世上,并决定放弃她。但是这个故事,不像其他的故事那样,它因为有神的介入,让悲剧变为欢笑,有了一个开心的结局。 Mike and Joy Connell, together with their daughter Josephine, share their story of reconciliation—testifying of how God can turn situations around when we obey Him. It was a love story that seemed to go wrong at every possible turn. Like Romeo and Juliet, they were two young lovers forced apart by their family backgrounds. To make matters worse, they brought a baby into this world; a baby they decided not to keep. But unlike other stories, this one has a happy ending, because God intervened and turned tragedy into triumph.