Precision Ag Made Easy

Episode 6 - Tissue Testing Webinar with A&L Laboratories



Tissue Testing provides you with valuable in season insights giving you key information regarding your crops nutrient uptake.Topics covered will include:How your crop is performing and if there are any areas of the field that are being affected by hidden hungers?Can your high production areas supply enough nutrient during critical growth stages?Are there nutrient deficiencies robbing yield from your bottom line?Are your low production areas a nutrient or water deficiency issue? Tissue testing will answer the above questions and give you the in season knowledge to validate that your nutrient investment is being utilized by your crop. A properly implemented tissue collection program will validate your soil sampling and nutrient application program by adding critical information needed to determine nutrient requirements in key areas of your field. With tissue testing season now upon us, we will walk through the tissue testing services available to you from A&L Canada Laboratories and Deveron UAS.