Coach Hos Podcast

Conversation with Dave Parise, Creator of the InertiaWave.



Tonight the "Tripod-Cast" had the great pleasure to talk with Dave Parise, Founder of the InertiaWave. #inertiawave Dave Parise is a recognized leader in the fitness industry. On the cutting edge of exercise today, he has been voted one of the Top Personal Trainers in the United States and across Canada by the Association for Fitness Professionals, IDEA. Dave has 25 years of experience in Strength Training, Human Performance, Exercise Science, and sub-specialty in golf specific exercise. INVENTOR of the INERTIA WAVE Inertia Wave is a multi-faceted rehabilitation and performance enhancing device. The Inertia Wave T.M. will improve sports performance, strength, cardio along with superior muscle endurance, neuromuscular re-education. It enhances back stabilization, and is a superior proprioceptive stabilizer.  This light weight easy store, easy transportable product is safe, and effective to use at all levels of need and ability; Young and seasoned athletes, amateur and professional, as well as the weekend