Joyce Barrie & Friends

Stand Up, Step Up, Get Out and Speak Out! Dr. Bob Ruotolo



United we stand; divided we fall. Too long we have all been speaking and listening to only like-minded peopleToo long we have been watching the erosion of our primary institutionsToo long we are seeing all around us the lack of civility between different social factions. Much of this is playing out every day in the political arena. However, this is just a stage and a primary indicator of the strong tensions that exist between us. Our primary reaction to what is going on is fear, followed by hurt and/or anger. We seek answers only to find such deferring opinions of cause and effect.. What steps can we take to first remedy this for ourselves and then move forward? Come listen and join in on the conversation with Dr. Bob Ruotolo. Listen to some of his suggestions on what we can do and how to respond to some of the challenges we all face in these scary times to live a happier and more fulfilling life.