Raw Relationships

Finding Your Passion & Living It, With Bradley Charbonneau



Bradley Charbonneau's life was certainly OK. From the outside, things looked just fine. For years, he plodded along as if life was grand--and it was. Well, sort of. But it really wasn't. He wasn't doing anything close to what he dreamed that his life should really be like. He was living the life that he thought he was supposed to live. Then his father passed away and everything started to change. Decisions became effortless because life became clear. In fact, there was no longer really even a decision-making process, he just knew what he needed to do. He closed his company, moved his family to Europe, and began writing full time. All based on a decision to start living the life he knew he needed to live and then acting on that decision Every Single Day. www.bradleycharbonneau.com