United Soybean Board

Herbicide Resistance and Pollen-Mediated Gene Flow



Multiple herbicide resistance and pollen-mediated gene flow are the featured topics of this Take Action webinar. Patrick Tranel, Ph.D., professor of molecular weed science at the University of Illinois, discusses metabolism-based and multiple herbicide resistance. Amit Jhala, Ph.D., weed management specialist at the University of Nebraska, speaks about pollen-mediated gene flow and the transfer of herbicide-resistant alleles. A recording of the webinar with slides can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LeOzvKmUTJ0.   This podcast is taken from a series of webinars sponsored by Take Action. Take Action is dedicated to collaborating with agriculture experts to educate growers and advisors on the value and importance of herbicide, fungicide and insect resistance. For more information on pesticide- resistance management practices, visit https://IWillTakeAction.com/.