Beckett's Babies

68. TOPIC: Researching for a New Play



How do you think about research when beginning a new play? When do you begin the research process? How do you know when to start writing? In this episode we discuss our own experiences on which plays of ours have required research; how did we do this research; and how do we feel about research. We ask ourselves how do we incorporate research without making the play overly expositional or boring and what are some best practices in organizing all this research? Let us know what you think! We'd love to hear from you. GLISTENS: Sarah: Michelle Obama. Michelle Kwan. Michelle McNamara. Michelle's. Sam: Wool Blankets HELPFUL LINKS: "On the Fine Art of Researching For Fiction" by Jake Wolff “Inspiration from artifacts: writing plays for the future inspired by the past” by Katie Bender On dramaturgy ____________________