Hedge Fund To Happiness

The Greatest Love of All



This title means more to me then I am willing to share at this moment. Once my book is released it will come around full circle. I haven't taped a podcast in so long I wanted to take this moment of chaos in 2020 to allow myself to uncover some things in myself and in my life that needed my full attention.  In this episode, I will show you the importance of sitting with the raw you not the one you gloss up in front of others. This is the only way to exploring situations that concerns you that causes to feel depressed or maybe resentful. How many of us are really ready to be vulnerable? In order to truly be free, we have to go to some uncharted territory and during this pandemic, I chose to read and dig deep.  Knowledge is power and it's so much information out there that you can gather on your own from researchers, statistics, therapists, doctors, and people who have shared in your similar journey. No matter what you are facing you can find answers, if truly want them... all you need to that do is th