Em Pulse

MIS-C—What do we do???



I hope you learned as much as I did from Dr. Nakra. It makes a lot of sense as we figure this illness out to think about MIS-C in kids with other features such as GI symptoms, rashes early in the illness AND to pursue evaluation in those with fever of 5 days without any other symptoms. If you find elevated inflammatory markers with a history of COVID exposure or in areas with high prevalence admit. Also if they are hypotensive give fluids cautiously, consider pressers pearlier than you would in other kids because you might have cariogenic shock.  Transfer to a pediatric center with multi-disciplinary resources. I don’t know about you but that is something new for me and will change the way I approach my kiddos on my next shift.  Show notes: MIS-C—What do we do??? Has MIS-C changed the way you approach a febrile child? I know I struggle to understand this new disease. Fortunately Dr. Natasha Nakra, a Pediatric Infectious Disease Specialist, joins us this month to clarify what we know about MIS-C, when we sh