Super Scoop Of Consciousness ~ Cathleen, Kim & Trina

Create 2016! Creation Tools for the New Year!



SCan you believe it?  Another year is almost done?  Have you started thinking about what you’d like to be in 2016?  We’ve got some great tools to create what you desire in 2016. Join us, we’ll actually go through some exercises to get you started on identifying or clarifying your targets for 2016 and begin inviting them in, tugging them into existence and asking the Universe to send them your way. Ask and you shall receive – one of the truth’s of this reality.  The Universe wants to gift to you – however you have to ASK first, and then receive it! If you create with the mutable laws of creation (question, choice, possibility and contribution) instead of the immutable laws of this reality (spirituality, power, money, love) What else is possible?