Hooked In New England

Short Strike - Who Do You Call When They Close The Outdoors?



It's a weird time, to say the least, and weird things are happening. All over the country, leaders at the national and local level are closing parks, recreation areas, boat launches and beaches to protect us from Covid-19. That is why it is SO VERY IMPORTANT that you join and hopefully become active in your local or state sportsman's organization. These organizations are the BEST line of defense against government overreach that limits access to the outdoor areas we love so much. Listen in as we discuss a specific example of this, and enjoy. Mike's Blog: https://fishportlandmaine.com/uncategorized/call-close-outdoors/Here is a list of groups that may help you re-open closed areas. If you know of better examples, please get in touch with us immediately at hookednepodcast@gmail.com. In Maine:https://www.sportsmansallianceofmaine.org/#/https://www.maine.gov/ifw/In New Hampshire:https://www.wildlife.state.nh.us/In MA:https://www.mass.gov/orgs/department-of-fish-and-gameIn CT:https://portal.ct.gov/DEEP/Hunting/CT-