Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish

No More Holiday Stress ~ Mary Dravis-Parrish



Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ‘Tis the time when families and friends come together to celebrate the holidays. It can be a time of stress as parents scurry about to meet the demands of creating holiday cheer. What if the holidays could truly be cheerful and full of joy without the stress? What if you could take control and end the stress that the holidays bring? You will want to be sure to tune in to hear how you can bring joy this season without the stress. What if this is the year that the holidays become more of the celebration you would like to have? Creating the holidays so that you honor you and your family can be fun and full of adventure. Mary will share tips and strategies you can use to create a joy-filled experience with your family and friends. ~ More with Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish ~  Would you like to live without the guilt, doubt, fear, worry, disrespect and frustration that many parents take on? Mary Dravis-Parrish is here each week to guide you through the woes, cha