Be You Parenting With Mary Dravis-parrish

Kids, Ghosts and Parents ~ Guest Deepa Ramaraj



Be You Parenting with Mary Dravis-Parrish Do your kids claim to see ghosts or people that you don’t see? What about kids who hear voices that parents don’t hear? Do you dismiss the possibility that what kids see or hear may be a ghost or spirit of energy? What can parents do to support their kids when they see or hear ghosts? Our guest this week, Deepa Ramaraj is a certified Talk to the Entities facilitator and will share with our listeners information about kids, ghosts and how to address this issue with confidence, awareness and empowerment that allows both parent and child to know that ghosts are nothing to fear and can even be helpful at times. with guest ~ Deepa Ramaraj Receive Free Gifts from Deepa at Deepa Ramaraj has been an energy healer for more than a decade. She is a Computer Science Engineer and worked as a Program Manager in the Information Technology industry in India and Singapore. She has conducted several corporate training programmes acro