Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Creating the future you never thought possible



This week I am in a space of being aware that every choice I make is creating my future. Its so funny, I know the energy of joy, ease and magical living, so now when I’m choosing I ask is the energy of my phenomenal life, piece of crap life or mediocre life, or me just dying. I am really in the tool of if I choose this what will my life look like in 5, 10, 15 yrs? I don’t always choose what’s light and expansive for me and that’s ok too, I change it pretty quick if its super heavy! (lol) I see now that every choice we make creates either opens the door to a future I never thought possible, or it opens the door to the future that doesn’t excite me. My amazing friend Diva Diaz is just so amazing at asking questions and looking and showing me the energy of phenomenal living! Diva has got some awesome kick ass information on creating life, living and business. She has an ease with staying and being the question that I don’t often see. She doesn’t jump to choice, she just follows the energy. Last week we went to a