Receiving Rachael ~ Rachael O'brien

Fear or Possibility? You Choose! With Rachael O’Brien



Are you aware that Every Choice you make Creates Your Future!! If you choose fear, then the choice of what is possible beyond that fear, is not available to you! And guess what you create more of what you choose! So what we are doing is what we are choosing! Mmm who knew?   In Access we talk about Fear being a Distractor! In other words it distracts you from YOU, BEING YOU! What if fear is just a trick to stop you from choosing for you? Have you ever considered that? What if every fear that shows up in our lives is a possibility to go beyond that fear and create greater than what we thought was possible? False Evidence Appearing Real!! I am starting to see that when you are even willing to see fear and destroy and uncreate everywhere you make it real and true your awareness is the space to choose something different and also if you do choose to be in the fear for 10seconds its ok, because guess what consciousness is like a bus if you miss one another one will come along! This amazing planet is never choosing