Ponderings From The Perch

Dear Priscilla: Should I Be Paying for LinkedIn?



So, you’ve got questions about marketing. Not the type of questions you can just raise your hand and ask in the middle of a crowded auditorium. No, no. These are the questions you’re maybe a little…embarrassed to ask. Maybe you’re afraid you should already know the answer. Maybe you think you’re the only one with this particular problem. Fear not: you’re not alone! Between immeasurable speaking engagements, industry events, consultations, and online interactions, Little Bird CEO and podcast host Priscilla McKinney has heard it all. Guess what? A lot of people are asking the same types of questions.  “Dear Priscilla” is a new series founded on the basis of answering those hushed-tone pain point questions in an anonymous judgement-free format that’s accessible to everyone. Or, as Priscilla says: “What’s running good marketing? What’s running good social selling? It shouldn’t be hidden in a mystery.” This episode addresses one of Priscilla’s most frequently asked questions: “Should I be paying for LinkedIn?”  Pr