Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart

Daily Practices that Create Accountability ~ Susan Lazar Hart



Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show There is a an old saying " God helps those that help themselves"  What if God can be translated into Good Orderly Direction? That's how I define accountability . Here is how wikipedia explains it; Accountability In leadership roles, accountability is the acknowledgment and assumption of responsibility for actions, products, decisions, and policies including the administration, governance, and implementation within. I love that part- within- okay you caught me- I kind of tweaked the ending so it works for me- working from within is how I play with daily practices that acknowledge what and how I am creating- I demand of me and I ask of the universe-I know that no matter what it takes if I play with a daily practice, I am contributed to daily by the universe by my actions, desires, my questions and my creations. These are the seeds for my own life and living that I am planting. You demand of yourself and you ask of the universe. What is it you are asking to change and