Nxt Gen Mvmnt

How to Pivot Into a New Career - Chapter 29 with Ahmad Imam



When someone pivots from one career to another, it sounds very daunting. It seems wild how they're transitioning to something completely different. There's a sense of fear, excitement, a set of skills within a new and untethered territory. This is where we deep-dive with Ahmad Imam, whom we've had on previously (Chapter 4). This time it's how he's transferred from the property game to self-improvement, working with Success Resources who host large speaking events and conferences with the guests of Richard Branson, Gary Vaynerchuk, Robert Kiyosaki, and many more. We speak with Ahmad on what he's learned from being bullied throughout childhood and parts of adulthood and turning that into unwavering confidence the past couple years as a top voice on LinkedIn. Career transitions can happen when they're least expected especially when people's jobs are taken away from them with COVID. Please take a screenshot of this and share on your socials of your golden takeaway/s and tag @nxtgenmvmnt and Ahmad. Greatly appreci