Empire - Your Mindset Creates Your Life

Adam Mendler - CEO of the Veloz Group



Today, Adam Mendler is the CEO of the Veloz Group, where he co-founded and oversees ventures across a wide variety of industries. Starting out in business with his brother, they both had lofty goals and brilliant ideas. After a period of 18 months in business, Mendler and his brother learnt valuable lessons about cashflow and the importance of having cashflow move in the right direction. When their cashflow was running low they quickly pivoted the business which led to a successful outcome.In addition to his business experience, Mendler has interviewed over 300 interviews with leading CEO's, founders, athletes, celebrities and influencers for his podcast show - Thirty Minute Mentors, Mendler shares that successful people focus on lifelong learning and staying on top, which is why they continue to push themselves further to achieve greater levels of success.