Work And Life With Stew Friedman

Ep 177. Stephanie Creary: Be a Better Ally to Your Black Colleagues



Stephanie Creary, Assistant Professor of Management at the Wharton School,  has been teaching a course called “Leading Diversity in Organizations” since Fall 2017. She was one of the principal investigators on a report from Wharton’s People Analytics Department and the firm Diversity Inc. that shows which practices seem to work for companies. Stephanie recently authored a piece in Harvard Business Review called “How to Be a Better Ally to Your Black Friends”.  Her research centers on identifying and understanding the work that individuals and leaders do to manage identity in asymmetric relationships – where power differentials between relationship partners are high – and how their efforts shape self-views, relationship quality, and the performance of work. Her research also examines the effectiveness of diversity and inclusion practices. She is a founding faculty member of the Wharton IDEAS lab (Identity, Diversity, Engagement, Affect, and Social Relationships), an affiliated faculty member of Whart