Living Art Beyond Judgment ~ Nicole Saynara Lellek

I’m Oh So Psychic Shh Shh – Using Your Psychic Abilities



Spiritual Adventures with Nicole Lellek Radio Show Have you ever entered a room and thought you ran into wall? Have you ever heard your phone ring and you knew immediately who was calling? Without having a look on the display? Do you have a lot of knowledge you never read or heard about? Or do you sometimes hear noises nobody else hears? Or do you see lights, shadows of forms? Maybe even other beings? If you could answer only one question you are psychic, my dear. The good news is we all are to a different extend. And what for a long time was labeled as “weird” or “nonsense” will very slowly become the new normal. Still many psychic prefer to stay in the shadow and prefer not to talk about their perceptions. Still the fear of being ridiculed is quite present. Is now the time to change this? In her show, host Nicole Lellek will introduce you to the different forms of psychic perceptions, how they play together and how to best make use of them. Also she will give tips and tricks to enhance your psychic abilitie