Joy Of Living ~ Laleh Alemzadeh Hancock, Facilitator!

The Joy & Contribution ANIMALS Bring Into Our Lives Guest Suzy Godsey



Animals around the world share their beauty with us in pictures, videos, and in person but did you know they actually provide us so much more? Did you know that our furry family members are actually able to provide more than a loving lick and kindness? What if animals could also contribute to your health, life and living, and business? Join Joy of Living with Laleh and her Guest Suzy Godsey as Suzy shares tools and information for better communicating with animals. Suzy Godsey is the Access Consciousness™ World Wide Talk to the Animals Coordinator, renowned Integrative Animal Practitioner/Behaviorist and Facilitator of the unique and powerful equine modality ~ ESSE ~ Energetic Synthesis of Structural Integrity. She is recognized around the world for her unique, gentle and pragmatic “animal rehabilitation” techniques which empower people and animals to actually to create relationships of ease and understanding. To learn more see below: To Learn More about Suzy: For more than a decade, Suzy has incorporated her