Maga Podcast

Comey, you’re fired! Episode 39



Former president Obama, the Clintons, Susan Rice, and many others are assuredly not having a good week. James Comey was the guy keeping them from being investigated further. In the case of Hillary Clinton, its not even a question of wrong doing, it was a question of intent. Unfortunately for her, intent doesn't matter to anyone except Comey. He has already stated in front of congress that she did commit crimes, just that she didn't intend to. He used the same reasoning for not convicting Huma of sharing classified documents with her pedophile husband Anthony Wiener. That recent statement, along with his unwillingness to name the unmaskers of Trumps transition team, is what finally got him fired. Don’t worry about him though. He is currently worth 11 million dollars. Im sure he earned every penny legally. The media of course is going nuts over this. Even though countless democrats and news pundits have called for James Comey’s firing over the past year, they all freaked out when it happened. They are trying t