Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

Courageously Mohawked – When Your Body Doesn’t Want to Be Normal



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Courageously Mohawked... What if your body has a preference to how it would like to show up in the world? Would you choose it if it was…. different? What would it be like in the world if different was the new normal? Two girls from Canada, but from very different worlds, find themselves on a radio show with two things in common: 1) They both have awesome Mohawks, 2) They both have a love of and capacity with bodies. Join them for a conversation this week, about showing up differently with your bodies and the fantastical possibilities available with being different. Cassy Summers holds titles such as Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Co-Founder of #IAmBeauty, Bestselling Author, Bodywork Practitioner, Mother, and Gold Medalist in Sassy-ness. What you may not know about her is that she is tenaciously curious. She seems to have an never ending desire to seek and explore ways to contribute to expanding people’s lives. Known for her intense presence an