Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

Creating Our Body with Right Body for You Tools



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Did you know that you have a body that has a consciousness of its own - that desires to create with you - and to contribute to you? And what do you know about how you've created your current body - and how to create change that is generative for both you and your body? Join guest co-hosts Julie Oreson Perkins and Devarati Angela Sammon, Access Consciousness certified facilitators and Right Body for You Taster Facilitators, as they explore this topic with personal stories, client experiences and the tools of Right Body for You. Julie Oreson Perkins - Since her first trip abroad in 1980 as an exchange student, "Julie O" has been engaging in life-changing conversations (in several languages, including the language of energy!) As a coach, teacher, motivational speaker, radio show host, international best-selling author, energy worker/healer, breast cancer sur-thriver, shamanic practitioner and Access Consciousness facilitator, Julie O invites the (re)birth of o