Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

Do You Weigh In and Measure Upto Your Body Expectations?



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Do You Weigh In and Measure Upto Your Body Expectations? Playing with tools from rbfy classes and how we have created Joyful chaos of changes of not weighing in or measuring upto expectations. Safia Nelson & Søren Lassen Rbfy intro Taster Facilitator and creators Joyful chaos of changes. Safia Nelson is an Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator and Teacher as well. Safiaaccess@gmail.com Soren Lassen is a Certified Facilitator with Access Consciousness, a Certified Life, Stress and Business Coach. hello@sorenlassen.net Have you struggled with changing your body?  Haven’t you always known that changing your body should be easier?  What if it wasn’t about dominating or forcing your body with the latest fads or exercises?  What if it was as simple as making friends with your body and removing the energetic blocks that keep you from changing both your body and your life? Join Donnielle Carter this week as she explores the energetic tools that assist you in stoppi