Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

Can You Have Communion with Your Body? Guests Maggie Schlarb & Betsy McLoughlin



Right Body For You with Donnielle Carter  Radio Show Communion with your body - what does that mean to you? Do you treat your body as your enemy or your best friend? Join my guest hosts Maggie Schlarb and Betsy McLoughlin as they share tips and conversation about all about communion, ease and possibilities with creating something different with your body. Maggie Schlarb is an adventurer at heart! One of Maggie’s greatest joys and gifts is to assist others to use question, choice, possibility, and contribution as a way to create greater in business and in the world.  www.maggieschlarb.com Betsy McLoughlin is a joyful facilitator for possibilities. Her calm demeanor, willingness to ask questions outside the box and look for what else is possible creates more ease and opportunities for her clients. www.creatingyumminess.com and accessbetsy@gmail.com. Betsy and Maggie are both Certified Facilitators with Access Consciousness and Right Body For You Facilitators as well. Do you have the life and body you desire?  C