Right Body For You ~ Donnielle Carter, Facilitator

Food, Bodies and Pleasure with Guest Claudia Cano



When you eat or you excited or do you dread it?  So many people view food as the enemy.  The source of being fat and unhealthy.  What if there was a different possibility with food?  What if you could eat food that your body desired and it was orgasmic with every bite? Dr Claudia Cano A body whisperer, a Medical Doctor and a much-loved facilitator, Dr Claudia Cano is known for her unique ability to communicate with people's bodies energetically, to allow them to get to the place of creating their life instead of trying to stumble through it. Claudia was born and raised in Mexico with a very different view on life, a different view on physical bodies and what the body can do. Since an early age, she recognized that bodies have amazing capacities that are constantly giving us information and awareness of everything going on around us. She also recognized that most people never listen to what their bodies try to tell them. Over time Claudia became aware that one of her gifts was her ability to communicate with b