

Mal Duane is a bestselling Author, Life Recovery Coach and highly successful Real Estate Business owner. But actually Mal feels she is a spiritual warrior for the sisterhood. She helps women heal their broken hearts and reclaim their lives. She has overcome devastating circumstances in her own life dealing with addiction, depression and loss. She used her painful experiences to transform her life and to become an awakened, authentic and abundant woman. She is an expert on women’s life recovery and spiritual transformation. She believes women are infinitely more powerful than they believe or have ever been taught. Her mission is to help them in discovering and connecting with the divine feminine power within them. Mal’s book Alpha Chick- 5 Steps for Moving from Pain to Power is an Amazon bestseller and the recipient of the Reader’s Favorite Award, The Pinnacle Achievement Award and the World Book Award for 2012. She has been featured on Fox News, CBS Radio, over one hundred and fifty internet radio shows as we