Creating Beyond Reality ~ Heather Nichols

Global Event Creation ~ Guest Jonas Svensson



Would you like to have a thriving global business that includes worldwide events, workshops, and classes?  Are you aware of what is required to create that for you and your business?  What if you could have a reach and an impact with your business that goes beyond your geographic location, and stretches out into the world to create a greater possibility for everybody who chooses? Join Heather in a conversation with Jonas Svensson, Access Consciousness Global Events Coordinator & Facilitator, Author, and Benevolent Leader in a dialogue around what is truly possible and required to have a business that can have a global reach. Jonas has a vast experience in marketing and sales, category management and market research within multiple companies and industries prior to his current position. Always aware of greater possibilities that existed beyond the norm, Jonas decided after a very successful and highly coveted corporate career of over 15 years, to follow his knowing as the source for creating his life the way h