Headfirst Radio

You > Petty BS



Uncertainty is the peanut butter to Covid-19's jelly, amen?! There is so much uncertainly, unrest, frustration, anger, and fear rolling through our social media feeds, conversations, homes, and within ourselves. It makes it really difficult to feel like we have control over anything...so what do we start to do?  We focus on petty, external BS - like the way we look, what we own, or what we can make our lives look like on social media. Trying to find internal peace by manipulating external things in our environment. Weird how it doesn't work :)  It's completely understandable to feel anxious and frustrated about the all of the things going on in your world, but to actually get a handle on them, we have to work from the inside out - not the other way around. Interested in 1:1 or group coaching opportunities working with Megs to work through some your petty BS, and start creating the life you really want - book your FREE 30 minute call right HERE! Check the www.outwhatnow.com website for more information on coac