

There are not many choices in life that create as drastic of a change to our world as the choice to have a child. What would our lives be like if we were willing to see all of our creations, our creative projects and endeavors, the way we see a child? Both moldable by our influence, and also with their own energy and points of view? What if every creation was a dance between the two sides of contribution? The gifting of our energy into the creation, and the receiving of the creation as it expresses itself? Sadie Lake is a contributing author, editor, and producer of the upcoming book Creations; Conscious Fertility and Conception, Pregnancy and Birth. In her previous life, before Access Consciousness®, she enmeshed herself in all things related to fertility, conception, pregnancy, and birth. In particular, she spent a lot of time and energy defending the right way to “do” this form of creation. Since then, she has opened up universes of possibility for creation that go so far beyond just creating children. Her