Golden Alignment ~ Dr. Beth Golden

Knowing Your What’s And Why’s Creates Clarity & Golden Alignment ~ Dr. Beth Golden



Golden Alignment with Dr. Beth GoldenRadio Show We live in a vibrational world where like attracts like. This concept may be easy to understand yet I always want to know to HOW to do things. Getting to and staying in a high vibrational state can be a challenge. Dr. Golden is a bridge between scientific concepts and practical spirituality so you can take ideas and turn them into 3D realities. In today's show Dr. Golden will provide some simple "How To's" so you can "BE" in a feeling state to attract all you desire with ease and grace...thus creating more money, serving more people while using your gifts to thrive. ~ More about Golden Alignment with Dr. Beth Golden ~  Have you ever hit that sweet spot where everything’s going right, doors open and opportunities magically appear? That is what Golden Alignment is all about. Dr. Beth Golden loves to both play in that Golden space and teach others how to get there and stay there! On some shows Dr. Golden will interview guests, varying in age and expertise, who will